Leadership Resolutions for Project Managers

Become the best leader that you can be!

It is critical to revisit our leadership goals periodically.

As humans, we crave for stability, certainty, simplicity, and clarity but we have chosen to work on projects, that can prove to be volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA). In order to succeed in this endeavor, we must aspire to be the best leaders that we can be given these circumstances.

When considering new resolutions, it will be beneficial to reflect on the following:

  • What does Leadership mean to you?
  • Who inspires you with their leadership skills?
  • What do you want to accomplish as a leader?
  • Who do you want to be as a leader?

When we consider leadership in action, we focus on the following elements:

  • Commitment (How you will take an active role on your projects and in your career?)
  • Flexibility (Are you aware of and use appropriate leadership styles based on your understanding of the situation?)
  • Housekeeping (Do you focus on quality and follow efficient processes?)
  • Outreach (Do you seek mentoring, coaching, and / or a support network to help you?)

Overarching leadership resolutions for you to adopt are:

  • Incorporate asking “Why” in each situation
  • Embrace situational leadership
  • Consider benefits in each scenario

Other resolutions that will enhance your career and help you to achieve project success are:

  • Cultivating emotional intelligence
  • Learning to pivot (Innovating and cultivating mistakes)
  • Surrounding yourself with experts

We would love to hear about your experiences with leadership.

– Anita Dhir, PMP®
– Shobha Manam, PMP®

Medhira Enterprises provides project management consulting & training services in leadership and soft skills development, let us know what we can do for you!

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The Promise of PMbots

An Opportunity or Threat?

The Medhira Way  Are you excited or fearful that you could have a PMbot as an assistant or as a colleague in the near future? It is very possible that your organization may decide to use a PMBot to run simple projects and assign a human PM to work on more complex projects. It is also possible that organizations may use a hybrid approach. In this scenario, PMs will be supported by PMbots that will manage some of the PM functions. This is a great opportunity. Other project managers may perceive this as a threat as it may result in losing their jobs to PMBOTs.

Current Situation

Projects most often fail due to a breakdown in communication. Factors that contribute to this are:

  • Communication barriers that exist due to organizational silos
  • PMs frequently display emotional decision making thus resulting in inconsistent decisions
  • Lack of consistent follow up
  • Organizational risks such as lack of governance

Given the rise of the Internet of Things (IOT), projects are becoming more complex from the technical perspective. Further, the project managers must also gather, analyze, and use huge volumes of project data to make prudent and critical project decisions as well as provide detailed insights for accurate project status and forecast. This limits the project manager’s performance.

There is something on the horizon to help the overwhelmed project manager.



A possible collaborative approach between PMbots and project managers is looming in the near future. The PMbots can be efficient and can perform project management analytics (using statistical tools, methods, and algorithms) at a lower cost. This will free up the project managers to focus on non-repetitive and difficult to automate tasks, primarily communication among stakeholders and team management responsibilities.

The biggest promise that the PMbots offer are:

  • Consistent & Seamless Communications
  • Improved PM Effectiveness
  • Improved governance / Knowledge Transfer
  • Unbiased, transparent, and timely Decision Making
  • Consistent PM Reporting and forecasting
  • Efficient and improved resource estimates, allocations, and utilization

This will eliminate the top reasons, as stated above, for project failure namely, inadequate communication. Thus this will be a boon for the future project managers to help them automate the collection and analysis of project information.

What is a PMbot?

Technically a PMbot is an assistant to a PM, a simple PMbot performs repetitive tasks for the project manager, thus freeing up PM time. A simple PMbot is in the form of robotic process automation (RPA). It is the application of technology that allows computer software or a robot to be configured to capture and interpret available data for processing, manipulating, triggering responses, and communicating with other digital systems.

At a more complex level, a pmbot uses AI machine learning, data analytics, blockchain, and natural language processing (use human-like intelligence) to interpret raw data and learn to make more complex decisions, similar to a project manager.

What does the PMbot do for project managers?

The premise for PMbots is that they provide and support project managers in making better decisions to create more stable projects that stay on track and deliver on time and on budget. The overall intent is that these pmbots can help reduce PM related costs and can reveal insights from huge amounts of unstructured data as well as learn and become efficient in the current PM practices.

Potential PMbot capabilities / Benefits are:

  • Planning:
    • Performing risk assessments and planning risk resolution strategies
    • Estimating project schedules and costs
    • Creating resource management plans (resource allocation and utilization and task management)
  • Monitoring & Controlling
    • Performing daily/repetitive tasks diligently and efficiently and can be also capable of updating and alerting the project stakeholders about discrepancies or issues
    • Based on collected data, AI based PMbot can warn project managers to take preventive actions regarding heavy resource loads, unexpectedly low outputs, over-capacity or under-capacity. These systems can also give advice about when and in which skills a particular employee should be trained
    • Performing status and performance analysis and generating relevant communication and alerts based on forecasts to get projects back on track.
    • Predict Defects


PMBots can tackle wider macro-project management related issues that go beyond the basic business goals and work towards the benefit of all. For some project managers this means retraining and becoming comfortable with their new project management resource, a PMBOT. Given the many benefits of PMBots, consider making your new assistant (PMbot) your ally rather than a foe.

For more information on PMBOTS, contact us at: info@medhira.com or +1 (718) 340 8465 or at or +91 9920394438

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2013 International Smart Sourcing Conference, August 8 & 9, 2013, Harrah’s Casino Resort in Atlantic City

Hello Everyone!

We are inviting you to the 2013 International Smart Sourcing Conference to be held on August 8 & 9, 2013 at the Harrah’s Casino Resort in Atlantic City.

 “Collaborating for success” is Medhira’s motto and, since 2007 we have collaborated with the Center for Global Outsourcing (CGO) for several of their annual conferences.  According to Dr. Shailendra Palvia, President/CEO, Center for Global Outsourcing, “The aim of these annual conferences is to “facilitate knowledge sharing and networking among diverse stakeholders in the global sourcing industry – practitioners, researchers, government officials, and consultants.”

From personal experience, I can say that you will benefit a lot from the unique aspects that make this conference a success:

  • Academics and industry practitioners come face-to-face and head-to-head:
    • Panel Discussions
    • Presentations
    • Quiz Bowl:  A competition between Academics and Industry (Last year’s bowl was won by the Academics team)
    • Plenary Sessions
  • Vegetarian Meals
  • Several opportunities for Networking

Additional Benefit:  16 PDUs/PM Contact Hours!

PMI Members and NYU students (current and former) get a great price!   $300 for 2 Days!  Register today! 

You may also consider sponsorship opportunities!

What is the link between Global Sourcing, Financial Services and Health Care?  The theme of this year’s conference is Global Sourcing of Financial Services and Health Care.

Some of the Keynote Presentations:

  • “Smart Sourcing Academic Responsibilities for Course Development and Delivery”, Dr. Andrew Rosman, Dean of the College of Management, Long Island University, LIU Post
  • “Global Sourcing of Financial Services: Strategies, Issues, and Challenges”, Mr. Sanjeev Gulati, Business Head,  Americas at Polaris Financial Technology Ltd
  • “Opportunities for Global Sourcing to Mexico and Latin America”, Mr. Gustavo Pares, CEO of Financetech, Lomas Altas, Mexico
  • “New Frontiers in Managing the Landscape of Collaboration and Multi-Sourcing”, Ms. Anita Dhir, CEO Medhira Enterprises (Yes, Yours Truly)

Learn more about

  • What is a Global Project Manager?
  • Critical Success Factors and Cultural Challenges in Adoption of Process Oriented Approach by Global Sourcing Vendor Companies in Latin American Countries
  • Adding Endearment to the Balanced Score Card Model
  • Sourcing of IT work by a Government Organization to a Private Enterprise:  An Analysis of Issues and Challenges using Social Capital Approach
  • Crossing Boundaries: Interactions of Gender, Culture and Trust in Computer Mediated Communication
  • Critical Issues Facing Clients and Vendors of Global Sourcing
  • Will the new US Immigration Bill cause harm to the Outsourcing Industry?

 Paper Presentations:

  • Understanding Agile Methodologies in Software Development Projects:  A Vendor Perspective
  • A Case Study of Electronic Medical Records Development

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact me at  at +1 718 340 8465 or adhir@medhira.com.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

Anita Dhir, PMP®

President & CEO
Medhira Enterprises Wise Choice, Intelligent Collaboration… Medhira
Consulting and Training in Project Management & Operational Best Practices

2013 International Smart Sourcing Conference, Track Chairperson: Global Sourcing Project Management

July 2013

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Fun with Project Management: Laws to Remember


Nothing is ever a complete failure; it can always serve as a bad example.


The more time you spend in reporting on what you are doing, the less time you have to do anything. Stability is achieved when you spend all your time reporting on the nothing you are doing.


The amount of work done varies inversely with the amount of time spent in the office.


The probability of a given event occurring is inversely proportional to its desirability.


Make three correct guesses consecutively and you will establish yourself as an expert.


1) If anything can go wrong, it will.
2) Nothing is as easy as it looks.
3) Everything takes longer than you think it will.


In a hierarchical organization, the higher the level, the greater the confusion.


In every hierarchy, each employee tends to rise to the level of his incompetence.


Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.


The components you have will expand to fill the available space.


Nothing is impossible for the man that doesn’t have to do the work.

Which one is your favorite?  Tell us in the comments section!

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Leading for Success, Every Step of the Way

Project professionals across industries speak to us from time to time about their career goals and challenges. A common (and highly admirable) goal for many is to improve their leadership capabilities. Improving one’s own leadership skills can often lead to the betterment of the project team, the strengthening of a manager’s personal circles – and more success in life! In the office, there will always be those lucky few who have the knack for being “the one everyone looks up to.” Though, not every leader is born with that skill, you too can empower and lead for success!

Are you leading your team in the most efficient and inspiring way? As the summer fades, consider these tips as you move through your workdays:

  • Practice your speaking and communication skills
    – Use your voice to communicate confidence and ownership at all times.
    – Practice your meeting introductions, phone greetings, and as many other public   discussions or presentations as you can.
    – For every moment that you speak, try to listen for 2-3 minutes. The more you   allow others to be heard at the right time, the better you position yourself to find consensus and solve problems without delays
  • Visualize yourself as the leader you want be
    – Close your eyes for a moment, at least once a day, and say, “this is who I want to be tomorrow.” Create a mental picture in your mind of what you’ll look like, how you’ll sound, and how you will feel as a more confident leader. Doing this daily helps you focus your activities around this goal.
  • Be Proactive and Stay Positive
    – Try your best to keep the focus on positivity and growth. Doing this will not only keep your energy high, but also keep you smiling. We’ve all seen that team members, senior staff members, and recruiters are drawn to the person who can confidently face whatever comes their way, while remaining upbeat and result-focused.

Remember – the most important factors behind good leaders are practice and consistency. Set your own bar for leadership success by writing your goals down, combining them into your daily life, and being the role model for your team. Starting these steps today puts your success in clear view!

Have similar strategies worked for you? Please share your experience with us in the comments section below. 

Medhira Enterprises helps project managers with career consulting & training services.  Let us know what we can do for you!

This PM Career Strategies article was written by Luke Luckett, PMP.  It originally appeared in the 2012 Medhira Enterprises Newsletter (Issue 7, Volume 1).

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Archiving for Success: Are you contributing to your Organization’s Business Intelligence?

One of the largest events of our time, the 2012 Summer Olympics, has recently wrapped up in London. As one might expect, many years of planning, coordinating, political maneuvering, and executing went into the project. From TV broadcasts and streams to hundreds of millions of people around the world, to the on-site logistics, many heads (often wearing multiple hats) were utilized to their fullest. And an accomplishment it was!

Let your project’s historical information, meeting minutes, and other important documentation be stored in a secure (and dry) spot.

International Olympic Committee’s success lies in creating and maintaining detailed records of not just the current but past Olympics, namely, every achievement, key activities, events, and processes to ensure that the knowledge from across all the Olympics is shared and available for future producers and organizers. The process of maintaining such information is known as archiving. Who benefits most from appropriate archiving? That’s right – it’s not just the producers of the next Olympic Games, but the fans, the participating countries, the media, and the athletes themselves.

The 2012 Olympics can be defined as a project, as it was a temporary endeavor that produced a unique product, service or result. As project managers, we must respect and use relevant historical data (old project archives) while

  • initiating new projects to make appropriate high-level agreements
  • planning to make the detailed agreements
  • executing to reuse (“copy and paste”) the appropriate data

During closing, Project Managers turn around and return the favor by adding the appropriate current project data to the historical data so that it is available to all. This is the knowledge transfer that enriches the project manager, the performing organization, the project community, and the stakeholders at large.

Traditional project management best practices tell us that establishing an archiving system early on in a project is vital. Whether a project takes place in a month and utilizes a small team, or it runs over the course of a few years and involves hundreds of people, proper archiving expectations should be established early. Further, closing a project successfully should enable the sponsoring organization, as well as key stakeholders and the project team members, to benefit from the most valuable lessons from the project and have appropriate access to the artifacts.

The following steps highlight key aspects that a project manager may consider for identifying and developing a project archive for knowledge transfer:

  • Define a good configuration management system
  • As a team, agree upon naming conventions for project artifacts, the significance of version and revision numbers, and a method for defining and getting agreement on changes to the original artifacts. Make sure there is an agreed procedural flow for incorporating and accepting changes.
  • Define and Plan for archiving success (typically, an archive plan is a subset of the Communication Management Plan), by answering the following questions:
    • What project artifacts will be archived?
    • How will these artifacts be organized and archived?
    • Who will be responsible for archiving?
    • Who will be the recipient of the archive? Is it the PMO? The client? Or the business unit?
    • When will items be added to the archive and how often will these items be reviewed and verified?
    • Where will the archive be stored? (electronically as well as physically)
    • What will be the related cost for maintaining this archive?
  • Once your project is in execution mode, at each milestone the assigned team member implements the archiving plan as previously defined.
  • During status reporting, a project manager may provide an update of the archiving activities.
  • During closing, the project manager ensures completion of the archiving plan. A valuable addition to the archive is the documentation containing lessons learned and suggestions for future products, processes and procedures.

The success of the archiving process is the ceremonial handoff of the physical archive to the recipient of the archive.

Keep your project information safe and secure!

The recipient of project archives has a commitment to future project managers, which is to provide the historic data of past projects. Of course they must consider the legal aspects when providing access to this data. Further, the indexing of project data and managing the relevance of this data becomes a key responsibility for the recipient of this data. As much as archiving is about storing, it is also about final disposal. It is important to implement the appropriate disposal method, be it recycling, shredding, burning, or erasing (or placing the artifacts in a time capsule!) Successful organizations make business intelligence a priority and it all starts with the archiving process!

Thus, following these steps will help your project be remembered as a success – and it might even land repeat business for you or your performing organization! And now, we extend hopeful wishes to the teams already hard at work in planning the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia.

Project Managers – Are you aware that using archiving systematically can dramatically increase your chances of success on aggressive deadlines?

Considering archiving but would like to learn more? Need to improve your archiving process knowledge? Contact us at info@medhira.com to learn more.

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Take a free CAPM Practice Test today! Are you ready?

Congratulations for choosing to be PMI certified to improve your career prospects.  We are providing you with a wonderful opportunity to use our newest offering, the CAPM® Exam Readiness Kit, to help you forward your mission.

Latest by 10 PM Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday, August 28, 2012, be among the first fifty to submit this form: http://www.medhira.com/medhira/MedhiraCAPMQAask.php4

Here are our two offers:

Free 150-question CAPM® Mock Exam with Detailed Scores, Correct Answer Key, and Solution Set

  • Mention the words “tweet/retweet/like complete” in the information/comments box of the form after tweeting (unique tweets should include #medhira in the tweet) or retweeting our original CAPM® tweet, or “liking” our update on LinkedIn, to receive the Questions, Detailed Scores and Solution Set free of charge.  

Free 150-question CAPM® Mock Exam with Detailed Scores and Correct Answer Key

  • No time to tweet, retweet, or like… get the 150-question CAPM® Mock Exam with Detailed Scores and Correct Answer Key

Mention that you’re a current PMP® or CAPM® holder and we will include 3 PDUs certificate if you pass the test based on standards!

Let us help you be up for career challenge!

Click here for additional information about the CAPM® Exam Readiness Kit: http://bit.ly/NXkh1L.  And, as always, we appreciate your interest in Medhira Enterprises offerings.

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A Milestone with “Wise” Meaning: Medhira Turns 10!

In New York this week, Spring seems to have swept upon us, to the point that it feels like Summer is literally next door!  Here at Medhira, our excitement for Spring has been doubled by a major milestone… because we have just had our 10-year anniversary!

As Founder and CEO of the company, I am also one of the bloggers that you read in this space from time to time.  My team and I, at Medhira, are thrilled to be collaborating with our clients on their management training and consulting needs.  From setting up Project Office/PMOs to implementing quality standards and training initiatives, our programs are designed to help improve results and management skills.  Our webinars and customized workshops provide individuals gain critical skills which ultimately improve chances for their career growth.  If you’ve tried out our PMP® Exam Readiness Kit, you’ll have found out about your stamina and your current level of preparedness for the 4-hour PMP test.

As part of our year-long celebration, we are introducing customer appreciation offerings, social events with networking opportunities, and products to enhance your professional effectiveness.  If you have not already considered project management as the next professional frontier, we are particularly excited to inform you about the growth of project management as a profession-of-choice, and the continued trend among organizations interested in improving their operations and hiring certified Project Managers.  We look forward to collaborating for your success in this journey!

If you aren’t on our subscription list, or connected with us on Twitter or LinkedIn, please do so – we’ll be making announcements of complimentary workshops and webinars, networking events, and special product offers throughout the next year.

I look forward to your comments in the space below, and hope to hear from you soon.  And again, thank you for an amazing decade!


Anita Dhir

Founder and CEO

Medhira Enterprises

New York City

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Is Project Management the Career Choice For Me?

In a slowly recovering economy, students of all ages and across the globe are wrestling over career paths, hoping to make the most of a relatively low number of employment opportunities. With the requirements to enter most companies growing each year, the staff at Medhira have noticed that within the varied industries, there is a skill set which can make a young person into a “star” employee. So, what is this set? Understanding and using strong project management skills.

Project managers are needed in every industry and in almost every function. And don’t let the word “project” make you think you must want to manage mega-budget projects across multiple time zones.  A project can be as simple as a 1-day event, a webcast, or redecorating your boss’ office. Good project managers have essential skills that will be necessary for life, no matter what you do. They know how to ask the right questions to be prepared. Those skills include: meeting management, communication strategies, time management, quality management, and team management. Whether you plan to own your own company in 5 years, work with your best friend to launch the next Groupon or Spotify, or hope to go up the ranks of an established firm – project management skills will set you up for the life of your career!

Is project management for you?

As you may know, Medhira specializes in project management training and consulting. For those considering project management, we’ll be hosting an evening lecture on January 11 in Midtown Mumbai, with an open discussion and Q&A.

There is a nominal fee to attend the dinner. For those outside Mumbai, we will have a virtual opportunity to join us as well.

For more information and to register, click here: http://www.medhira.com/medhira/MedhiraLecture_USPPMINDIA.php4  We are here to answer your questions – post to the comments below, or tweet us @medhira_ent

From all of us at Medhira, we wish you a fantastic beginning to 2012!

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Keeping Your Projects In-Check

People have said, for many years now, that ‘the best things in life are free’.  While this may be a true statement with many things in life, it should not be taken to mean that these “best things” come easy or without proper planning. A good project manager knows this, and with any project, is concerned with meeting a project’s budgetary and time constraints, legal and procurement methods, initial scope requirements, etc … not to mention requirements from a resource allocation perspective.

As practices and trends in project management develop and evolve, proactive
project managers, event producers, product managers – and many others find
great value in formal study of the discipline.

Whether it’s studying for the PMP Exam or the CAPM Exam, learning the
basics of Microsoft Project 2010, or taking a class on Project Communication
skills – you can rely on providers like Medhira to train for excellence.  From short, virtual sessions to extensive, onsite training, you can count on us for all of your project management training and coaching needs.  In fact, our PM Landscape Certificate courses start next week in NYC for those looking to find PM study inspiration between the office and the beach in August.

Current PMs should also know that, according to PMI, approximately 30% of the PMP exam content will change on August 31, 2011. Medhira has updated our PMP/CAPM Exam
Prep course and online mock PMP test materials to comply with the new test. This
preparation material has helped more students than we can count, and if it could
help one of your friends or colleagues, encourage them to try it out today! http://bit.ly/ivWn7t

Whether it be travel, beach, or fun – the team at Medhira wishes you a fantastic August!

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